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Airbus Quovadis subsidiary to implement Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) network across 11 Philippine airports

Quovadis, Airbus Flight Operations Services company, will participate in the development of a full Performance-Based Navigation (PBN*) network at a total of 11 Philippine airports, in cooperation with the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP).
When complete, this project will enable the entire region to benefit from the advantages of increased air-traffic-management (ATM) capacity and reduced emissions through shorter tracks, and will help transform the Philippine airspace into one of the most advanced PBN-optimised ATM regions in the world.

This programme, jointly sponsored by DGAC, the French Civil Aviation University (ENAC), Airbus and Philippine operators, aims at building on CAAPs skills and knowledge in various domains for a safe and efficient PBN implementation. It includes procedure design and obstacles data survey training and also training for air traffic controllers and flight safety inspectors.

This unique alliance of authorities, Air Navigation Services Providers and operators, which includes Philippine Airlines, Cebu Pacific Air, Air Phil Express and Zest Airways, is a true breakthrough in the industry, says Paul-Franck Bijou, CEO of Quovadis. This project brings together all stakeholders to create fuel efficient, flexible and safe trajectories.

Director General Ramon Gutierrez of CAAP says: As safety is our first priority, the PBN concept matches perfectly with the needs of the country. CAAP is fully committed to intensively developing PBN as per ICAO recommendations. We are pleased to cooperate with the Airbus subsidiary Quovadis in this project as they have the right expertise and experience in supporting its implementation.



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