Airlines propose ADS-B implementation sites

Airlines have identified seventy airports across Europe where they think Automatic Dependence Surveillance - B (ADS-B) - could most usefully be deployed. Eurocontrol will now approach the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) at the selected sites to see if implementation is feasible.
The seventeen airlines participating in EUROCONTROLs ADS-B Pioneer Airlines Project have mainly proposed sites at which no surveillance-based air traffic control service is available today and where it would be too difficult or too expensive to introduce radar. ADS-B implementation would allow controllers to vector aircraft for greater safety, as well as reducing holding times at both approach and departure, so increasing capacity and efficiency.
EUROCONTROL will work together with the ANSPs, the authorities of the proposed airports, the airlines and industry to make ADS-B implementation happen as soon as possible. A number of the sites are located in countries where Air Navigation Service Providers are already actively participating in ADS-B trials (CRISTAL trials) together with EUROCONTROL: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Other sites are located in Norway, Moldova, Romania, Spain and the Ukraine.
This is a good example of EUROCONTROL working in partnership with others, says David MacMillan, Director General of EUROCONTROL. We listen to the requirements of our stakeholders and work together with them all to make it happen in the field. This type of joint activity is also a key foundation for SESAR (the Single European Sky ATM Research Programme).
ADS-B relies on aircrafts broadcasting their identity, position (GNSS-based) and velocity. This signal transmitted by the aircraft can be captured by receivers on the ground (ADS-B out) or on the aircraft (ADS-B in). ADS-B is recognised as an essential element in SESAR and in the FAAs NextGen programme.
The objective of the ADS-B Pioneer Airlines Project, launched last year by EUROCONTROL's CASCADE Programme, is to help airlines obtain airworthiness approval for their existing ADS-B equipment. This will allow them to receive an ADS-B-based air traffic control service. Now that this approval is imminent, airlines are keen to include it in their daily operations in addition to participating in trials.
EUROCONTROLs CASCADE programme co-ordinates the implementation of initial ADS-B applications in Europe. It performs trials, clarifies operational scenarios, drives the production of global standards and produces both safety and business cases, paving the way for operational approval. Implementation of ADS-B out is expected to start in Europe from 2008 onwards.
For more information on the CASCADE programme, please visit the Web site:
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