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Airservices continues to foster safety in Asia-Pacific region

Airservices is working to enhance and foster aviation safety in the region through key programs with our closest neighbours.
The enhancements are delivered through the government-funded Indonesia Transport Safety Assistance Package (ITSAP) and a memorandum of understanding between the PNG and Australian governments on cooperation in the transport sector.
With Asia-Pacific airlines recording a nine per cent year-on-year increase in passenger demand in 2010,1 Airservices General Manager, Corporate and International Affairs, David Byers, said that Airservices had developed strong ties with neighbouring air navigation service providers and civil aviation organisations to enhance safety in the region.
With around two thirds of the air traffic into and out of Australia transiting through Indonesian and Papua New Guinea airspace, it is important that we work closely with our northern neighbours and develop mutually beneficial partnerships, Mr Byers said.
This includes the provision of technical assistance and training, as well as building air traffic management capability in the region and the provision of advice and information."
Recent initiatives have included the provision of 11 surplus aviation rescue and fire fighting vehicles to PNGs National Airports Corporation, the exchange of surveillance data in respect of aircraft travelling across the Australia/Indonesia Flight Information Region boundary, and the establishment of highspeed satellite communication links with PNG.
As part of Airservices commitment to enhancing safety in the region, weve also provided operational support, training for air traffic controllers and technicians, and conducted long term deployments of Australian air traffic controllers to engender mutual understanding of practices and issues, Mr Byers said. 
Airservices also designed, implemented and commissioned a computer-based air traffic control training simulator in Port Moresby (PNG).
Airservices has also formed a strong relationship with Airways New Zealand in recent years which has seen the sharing of knowledge and experience, and has led to collaboration on a wide range of projects, including project management expertise and new tower construction.


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