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ATC recording specialist Ricochet continuing strong growth in the African market

Ricochet AS - a worldwide supplier of state-of-the-art record and replay systems within Air Traffic Control (ATC), compliance and public safety sector - today announced that Ricochets recording solution will be installed at Tripoli International Airport.
Ricochet has been awarded a contract through their partner INEO Engineering & Systems, for installation of a recording system at Tripoli International Airport. French based INEO is an integration company positioned for the information and communication market. Tripoli International Airport is the nation's largest airport, located in the town of Ben Ghashir. The airport handled over 3 million passengers in 2008. Ricochets innovating recording solution at Tripoli International Airport will have the capacity of interfacing and recording up to 230 analogue/digital audio sources, as well as 6 monitors and 4 radar feeds over LAN. A dual Ricochet system consists of two systems working in parallel where both are fully equipped to perform the complete recording job. This type of dual configuration ensures a no-single-point-of-failure system, where no single fault can disrupt recording. Ricochet experienced a strong growth in system installations in African airports last year. This is the result of an excellent cooperation with key partners, says Jørn Rød-Larsen, President & CEO, Ricochet - we are proud to announce our first installation in Libya.


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