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Aurinko and (ASAP) cooperate on new Point in Space (PinS) helicopter flight procedures for Norwegian Air Ambulance

Aeronautical Services And Procedures (ASAP), a Slovak company, and the Norwegian firm Aurinko have teamed together to provide the Norwegian Air Ambulance with PinS instrument flight procedures into many of the hospitals throughout Norway. These new GPS flight procedures will enable the Norwegian Air Ambulance to carry out life saving helicopter operations even in bad weather conditions.
Previously in such bad weather conditions the ambulance helicopters had to remain grounded. Now with these new instrument flight procedures using GPS navigation there is a much greater chance that patients will be carried by air ambulance to the nearest hospital without delay. Mr. Ian Whitworth the Managing Director of ASAP said: It is an amazing thought, that the work that we do here in Slovakia can save lives in Norway. Mr. Jens Gjerlev the Managing Director of Aurinko said: It is a great professional pleasure to see safety-enhancing innovative operational concepts go live, says Jens. For a helicopter emergency mission, the critical patient has a better chance of getting to the emergency ward, and on top of that the flight will be safer. Mr. Erik Normann, Chief Pilot, Norwegian Air Ambulance said: Our goal is always to provide patients with quick and qualified medical help. By using GNSS based IFR flight procedures (PinS) we can help more patients during adverse weather conditions. We already have several examples of patients who have benefited from this technological innovation.
Ondrej Fischer


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