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AviBit selected to provide the new A-SMGCS and Electronic Flight Strips at Otopeni International Airport

AviBit Air Traffic Solutions announces today that they have been awarded the contract to provide their advanced ACEMAX (A-SMGCS) and DIFLIS (Digital Flight Strips) solutions to Romania.
ROMATSA R.A., the Romanian Air Traffic Service Administration has awarded the contract for the installation of an integrated A-SMGCS System at Otopeni International Airport in Bucharest to AviBit.

After tendering, the contract was awarded to the most compliant and most competitive tenderer. The new integrated system by AviBit will be the key instrument for ground surveillance at all weather conditions, while reducing costs and improving safety for ground operations.
AviBit has been awarded as main contractor for this project which includes the delivery of AviBits A-SMGCS ACEMAX and Electronic Flight Strip System DIFLIS as well as the delivery and integration of two Surface Movement Radars from Terma and one Multilateration system from ERA. The scope of the project coveres system integration and data fusion of a Multilateration and two Terma SMRs.

"The integration of the A-SMGCS and the Electronic Flight Strips by AviBit with its enhanced safety net features, has been one key element in winning this contract ", says Dr. Konrad Köck, CEO of AviBit. "We are very proud to provide this advanced and integrated solution to a new European Customer.".
AviBit is a leading provider of next generation Air Traffic Management Solutions that enhance airspace and airport operations. AviBit is on the market since more than 15 years and has provided its advanced software solutions to many international ANSPs and airports. The core portfolio contains the Level 3 A-SMGCS (ACEMAX), the Tower Information System INFOMAX and the Electronic Flight Strip System DIFLIS. The portfolio is further completed by providing Digital Departure Clearance DECLOS and Arrival and Departure Management functionality.

One of AviBit's key competences is the full integration of A-SMGCS and Electronic Flight Strips, which lead to more efficiency and safety of airport operations. For detailed product information and further information about AviBit and its references, please visit or send an e-mail to


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