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Booking has been extended until 30th Sept for Helios training courses at the RAF Club, London

Navigation Techniques & Technologies and The Single European Sky & SESAR Explained
Booking has been extended until 30 September for the following Helios training courses confirmed to take place at the RAF Club, London UK. - 6-10 October 2008: Navigation Techniques & Technologies Click Here for more info - A flexible 5 day programme covering:Introduction to CNS, GNSS for aviation, Performance Based Navigation and RNAV in Europe. - 7 October 2008 - The Single European Sky & SESAR Explained Click Here for more info - This course presents the real story of the SES and SESAR, in plain English, with a focus on practical implications and how you can influence the process, from highly knowledgeable and independent sources. It is relevant to everyone working in aviation. For further information, or to book your place contact Linda Micallef on +44 1252 451 681 or email:


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