Breaking News: Air Traffic Management and the CNN effect

A full report card on progress, whether financial, organisational, project or programme, will provide the focus for this years meeting, which is kindly being hosted by AEROTHAI in Bangkok.
We expect a record turnout. The AGM 2011 week will also see a co-located Safety Seminar, the annual CANSO Asia-Pacific Conference and a meeting of the CANSO Legal and Policy Committee. But it is this years ATM summit, the key note event of the week, which will break new ground. A distinguished line-up of aviation speakers from across the globe will share their candid views on the state and direction of the aviation industry from their perspectives, offering thoughts on the real priorities for ATM leaders over the next five years.
These events combine to make this the most important week on the CANSO calendar; leading, no doubt, to insightful and sage conclusions from the experts as a result.
I cant help but also reflect on another perspective of ATM in 2011, which suggests that as an industry we could do better. This is not likely to be a subject that is addressed in Bangkok, but it is one that is likely to feature on our collective agendas more prominently in future.
ATM is not immune to this 24 hour news world! Consider for a moment the media coverage of ATM this year. Im not talking about the trade journals or insider gossip, but about the mainstream: TV and radio, the broadsheets, Newsweek, the Economist and even the popular press - the media that shapes the views of politicians and voters, the people to whom we are accountable and ultimately those that set our budgets. Do we collectively do good job of effectively supporting and influencing this 24 hour real-time news world? Ill leave you to provide your own answer.
Its interesting nevertheless to consider some recent coverage examples. Do the public understand or care? How could we do better?
- ATC Industrial Action in Greece 11th May 2011
- Controller fatigue reported in the US
- The May 2011 eruption of the Grímsvötn Volcano in Iceland
These events have variously attracted immense coverage or very little. They illustrate the hunger for, or disinterest in ATM news.
CANSO Members are used to collaborating on Safety, Operations, Environment, Performance issues, and on advocacy with law makers. As a result, the messaging from our industry is very strong. Yet the pressure on our communications professionals has never been greater.
My crystal ball indicates that our future will see more organised and collaborative management of industry communications and public reporting of ATM. It is an approach that should serve both the journalists paid to write about us, and the ATM industry itself, more effectively.
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