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Business Aviation traffic declines amid continuing difficult economic conditions

The decline affecting the aviation industry is showing little sign of abating. The latest EUROCONTROL statistics show an 8% year-on-year decline in European air traffic for the first quarter of 2009.
3logosBusiness Aviation, which for years was amongst the biggest contributors to growth, has declined by almost 20% compared to a year ago. Traffic recovery is now only expected in spring 2010. Announcing the launch of their 2009 Yearbook 'The Business of flying', EUROCONTROL (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation), EBAA (European Business Aviation Association) and IAOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) gave a joint press briefing to discuss the impact of these challenging times on Business and General Aviation. Speaking at the event, Brian Humphries, President and CEO, EBAA, said, "The case for Business Aviation remains as strong as ever. It is a key part of the aviation community and an important tool for business offering an unmatched number of paired airport links. Once corporate profitability returns, so will the sector." Adding to this, Martin Robinson, Senior Vice-President Europe, IAOPA, said, "General Aviation, like Business Aviation, needs continued flexibility and speed in operations together with access to airspace and airports. One size clearly does not fit all and this crisis is a timely reminder that we cannot let the future of the sector be negatively affected by measures unsuitable for small operators." Concluding the discussion, Alex Hendriks, Deputy Director CND, EUROCONTROL, highlighted that "Solutions including the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research Programme, SESAR, present the dawn of a new era. Planning for future growth must not slow down. With this in mind, EUROCONTROL is working with its partners including EBAA and IAOPA to build transparent relationships and ensure equitable representation of Business and General Aviation." The EUROCONTROL, EBAA and IAOPA 2009 Yearbook is available at: Download the latest forecasts for European air traffic:
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