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CAAS and Thales push technological boundaries with a next generation of Air Traffic Management System in Singapore

Today, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Thales signed the LORADS III (Long Range Radar and Display System) contract for the supply of a new Air Traffic Control system replacing the current LORADS II system supplied by Thales in 1995.
thaleslogoUnder the terms of this contract, valued at over 145 million euros, Thales will design, manufacture, supply, deliver, install, test and commission the next generation EUROCAT system on a turnkey basis. Thales will also provide a comprehensive full life support after commissioning, including operational maintenance and support services on both hardware and software from its recently established Singapore Customer Support Centre. Air traffic growth worldwide poses a range of technical and technological challenges for national civil aviation authorities as well as for equipment and service providers. Designed specifically to respond to these critical issues, LORADS III will help CAAS rise to the daily challenge of providing its air traffic services in an efficient way, guiding aircraft safely through Singapores airspace. CAAS air traffic controllers will benefit from a unique combination of the most advanced ATM functionalities for area, approach and tower control, enhancing CAAS ability to fulfil its missions with safety and operational efficiency over the next decades, while coping with soaring traffic volumes in the Asia-Pacific region. LORADS III will ensure unprecedented levels of safety, improve reliability, promote green approaches through shorter routing and maximum use of optimum flight level and reduce costs of operations. Alexandre de Juniac, Senior Vice President of Thaless Air Systems business, stated: Thales is honoured that CAAS is renewing its confidence in the Group with the award of the most significant ATM system contract in recent history. LORADS III will be the first integration of the worlds most advanced ATM functionalities, leveraging off Thaless major R&D investments in next generation systems. Thales is pleased to ensure the continuation of CAAS impeccable safety record and reputation for service excellence.


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