CANSO calls for dialogue to avoid industrial action

CANSO, the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation, is extremely concerned by the decision of ATCEUC (Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Coordination) to call for an action day on Thursday 10 October. The industrial action against the new Single European Sky (SES) proposals of the European Commission (EC) is disproportionate and unnecessary as the EC has not yet made a final decision and talks are continuing. CANSO urges all social partners to continue their dialogue with the EC on the new proposals.
CANSO Director General, Jeff Poole, said, “This action is disproportionate and unnecessary. It will disrupt flights and have a severe impact on thousands of innocent travellers and businesses across Europe. It will be costly and damaging for the air transport industry in Europe – of which ATCEUC’s own members are part – at a critical time, when it is striving to consolidate its initial economic recovery.”
CANSO strongly supports any initiative to re-activate the Social Dialogue at European level, which is a forum for discussion between the affected parties. CANSO will foster the contacts between these parties to work together constructively and exhaustively. Talks within the EU are continuing and the draft of the SES2+ legislation remains exactly that – a draft that is not in force yet. CANSO believes that there is real room for conciliation to be opened at this stage of the SES process and every opportunity for all parties to present their views and play a part.
Poole concluded, “We urge the representatives of air traffic controllers to continue their talks with the Commission and other interested parties. We want them at the table, not out on strike. We value their views and they have an important role to play in helping to shape future improvements to air traffic control in Europe. Constructive dialogue will lead to enhanced understanding and hence to progress; strike action will achieve nothing but damage to this great industry on which we all depend, as well as huge disruption to travellers and businesses.”
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