Christoph Leitl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Visits ACC Belgrade

The most recent SMATSA deployment, the Future Air Traffic Management System Upgrade and Modernisation Project (FAMUS), includes a comprehensive communication solution for towers and the Air Traffic Control Centre (ATCC) in Belgrade, one of the largest air traffic control centres in the Balkans.
The system has been operational since summer 2011 and has been upgraded continuously. On his recent visit, the president of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Christoph Leitl, was able to see for himself the excellent performance of the Frequentis solution.
For more than 20 years, SMATSA, the Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency, has been a satisfied Frequentis customer. As a EUROCONTROL member, SMATSA's tasks include technical maintenance and development, training, meteorological services, flight inspection and calibration, and AIS/flight procedure design. Within FAMUS, Frequentis, as a subcontractor of Thales Air Systems SA, supplies both the new voice communication and the recording system.
The VCS3020X and the DIVOS log3 technology offer SMATSA the full IP functionality for connecting radios and telephone lines. The ATM system has been in successful operation since June 2011. Within less than two years, Frequentis delivered a solution consisting of a VCS3020X with 63 working positions including an integrated IP-backup system for phone calls.
In addition, SMATSA uses a VCS3020X with 41 working positions as a backup radio system. The redundant DIVOS recording system has over 900 channels and includes data storage facilities for archiving recorded information. A separate recorder system will record ambient noise in the controller room.
Furthermore FAMUS includes voice communication systems for the Terminal Control Area Podgorica (with a similar structure as for the ATCC Belgrade), and the Kraljevo and Ponikve towers.
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