Commission makes €200 million available for key TEN-T projects

The European Commission launched today a Call for Proposals under the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) annual programme, making €200 million available to co-finance projects in several specific priority areas. The Annual Call will complement the funding already made available in June 2011 through the multi-annual programme in order to speed up the completion of the TEN-T network and will help prepare the ground for future TEN-T policy developments.
Commission Vice President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport, said: "This EU funding will support Member States in their efforts to undertake complex projects aimed at improving and completing the TEN-T network. This investment will provide them with valuable assistance at a time of economic difficulties. Once completed, the trans-European transport network will directly benefit citizens and businesses."
The annual work programme has a high degree of flexibility to address new demands of projects of common interest which focus on TEN-T priorities, This year's calls focuses on five distinct priorities:
Priority 1: Promote the development of an integrated and multi-modal transport system (indicative budget: €25 million)
Priority 2: Promote infrastructure development contributing to mitigation and adaptation to climate change and reducing transport's impact on the environment (indicative budget: €35 million)
Priority 3: Accelerate/facilitate the implementation of TEN-T projects (indicative budget: €100 million)
Priority 4: Support Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financial instruments (indicative budget: €15 million)
Priority 5: Support the long term implementation of the TEN-T network, in particular the development of corridors that enable a coordinated implementation of the network (indicative budget: €25 million)
The TEN-T Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) manages the overall technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme, on behalf of the Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. This means the Agency is responsible for the management of the calls for proposals as well as the external evaluation of project proposals submitted.
TEN-T EA will host an Info Day on 31 January 2012 in Brussels to help potential applicants better understand the call priorities, prepare their proposals and learn about the evaluation process.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 13 April 2012. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to the TEN-T priorities and policy objectives, their maturity, their impact in particular socio-economic and environmental and their quality in terms of completeness, clarity, soundness and coherence.
For further information, please visit or
The annual work programme has a high degree of flexibility to address new demands of projects of common interest which focus on TEN-T priorities, This year's calls focuses on five distinct priorities:
Priority 1: Promote the development of an integrated and multi-modal transport system (indicative budget: €25 million)
Priority 2: Promote infrastructure development contributing to mitigation and adaptation to climate change and reducing transport's impact on the environment (indicative budget: €35 million)
Priority 3: Accelerate/facilitate the implementation of TEN-T projects (indicative budget: €100 million)
Priority 4: Support Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and innovative financial instruments (indicative budget: €15 million)
Priority 5: Support the long term implementation of the TEN-T network, in particular the development of corridors that enable a coordinated implementation of the network (indicative budget: €25 million)
The TEN-T Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) manages the overall technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme, on behalf of the Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. This means the Agency is responsible for the management of the calls for proposals as well as the external evaluation of project proposals submitted.
TEN-T EA will host an Info Day on 31 January 2012 in Brussels to help potential applicants better understand the call priorities, prepare their proposals and learn about the evaluation process.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 13 April 2012. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to the TEN-T priorities and policy objectives, their maturity, their impact in particular socio-economic and environmental and their quality in terms of completeness, clarity, soundness and coherence.
For further information, please visit or
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