DINACIA Gains Flexibility and Reduces Life-Cycle Costs with FREQUENTIS Fully Scalable smartMessenger
High-performance ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) put into operation in record time in Uruguay

The National Civil Aviation and Aviation Infrastructure Directorate (Dirección Nacional de Aviación Civil e Infraestructura Aeronáutica, DINACIA), provides Air Navigation Services to the international and national airports based in Uruguay. DINACIA, which is a government agency and headquartered in Canelones, contracted Frequentis in November 2013 with the delivery of smartMessenger, its ATS Message Handling System (AMHS), well known for its high performance and high availability.
Supported by its local partner, Mr. Ademar Prego, Frequents put the system into operation within four months after the signature of the contract. smartMessenger is configured to support the AFTN and AMHS message formats as well the conversion between both formats as mandated by ICAO. The system is currently connected to 31 user terminals and the international AFTN/AMHS centres in Brazil and Argentina.
Brig. Gen (Av.) Antonio Alarcon, General Director at DINACIA, comments on the successful going live: ”We are very pleased with Frequentis performance for assisting the DINACIA staff in putting smartMessenger into operation within a very tight schedule and with the high level of flexibility offered by the system and its low lifecycle costs.”
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