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DND Select IDS EMACS for Electromagnetic Simulation

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A., through IDS North America, its fully owned subsidiary in Montreal (Canada), has been awarded a prestigious contract to assist DND Department of National Defense.
coverage2This success follow the previous done for NAVCANADA and according to the competency and experience of IDS in the Electromagnetic studies confirm this prestigious contract with the DAEPM (RNCs) ATMS with the acquisition of the best of bread Electromagnetic System known as IDS - EMACS (Electromagnetic Airport Control & Survey) that will help the verification and avoid the implementation of source of interferences in proximity of NAVAIDS for both civil and military before their easement . Giving so an instrument to reduce costs connected with the maintenance and the calibration of complex equipment and increasing the safety level for Air Navigation in Canada. IDS is particularly proud of these projects because it is the expected reward for its continuous focus on the aviation industry requirements and for the efforts in developing systems and engineering capabilities in the field of Aeronavigation maintaining a close technical relationship with its customers worldwide.


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