EASA publishes new European rules for Air Operations

This Sunday 28 October 2012 marks the entry into force of new European rules for Air Operations. Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 creates harmonised requirements at the European level for commercial air transport operations of aeroplanes and helicopters. EASA has published the associated Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material, available as Decisions on the Agency website.
Upon the request of the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament, EASA prepared a draft proposal to establish a Regulation on Air Operations. Published as Opinion No 4/2011 in June 2011, the proposal was further reviewed by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Agency and Member States.
The legislative process has ensured continuity with previous rules. For aeroplane operators, the new rules recognise the privileges of existing certificate holders. Member States also have the flexibility to delay the applicability of the rules for up to two years.
To assist stakeholders in adjusting to the new rules, EASA has published a detailed list of differences between the new Regulation and EU-OPS / JAR-OPS 3. This file and further information can be found on the EASA Flight Standards Website.
The legislative process has ensured continuity with previous rules. For aeroplane operators, the new rules recognise the privileges of existing certificate holders. Member States also have the flexibility to delay the applicability of the rules for up to two years.
To assist stakeholders in adjusting to the new rules, EASA has published a detailed list of differences between the new Regulation and EU-OPS / JAR-OPS 3. This file and further information can be found on the EASA Flight Standards Website.
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