Edmonton International Airport Selects Searidge ATC-Grade Video for Tower Blind Spot

Part of EIAs $1-Billion Expansion 2012 Airport Development Program
GATINEAU, QUEBEC May 19, 2010 - Searidge Technologies, provider of intelligent video solutions to air navigation service providers (ANSPs) and airports, announced its Air Traffic Control (ATC) grade Video solution has been selected by Edmonton International Airport (EIA) to enhance tower visibility.
As part of EIAs Expansion 2012 project, the airport is building a new air traffic control tower and office building which will allow the most modern and efficient new air traffic control technologies to be installed on site. The construction equipment and final structure will block Controllers line of sight to taxiway alpha (a high speed run-off/exit taxiway) and the area adjacent to the taxiway.
Expansion 2012 is a four year, $1-billion project which will add up to 13 new aircraft bridges in a larger terminal that will create efficiencies for business partners and add more options for customer service. We selected Searidge's ATC Grade video solution because it met both our functional and safety needs today, and had the scalability and flexibility to grow as the needs of our airport evolve. We also valued the companys track record of successfully deploying video systems for both airports and NAV CANADA, says Paul Garbiar, vice president, Infrastructure and Technology, EIA.
EIA has been one of North Americas fastest-growing major airports from 2006 to 2008, with significant and sustained growth in passenger traffic. Due to this growth, the current terminal is almost one million passengers per year over capacity. Even in the economic climate of 2009, US-bound passenger traffic increased 6.3 per cent over 2008.
The Searidge system continuously monitors and presents real-time video feeds from digital camera sensors to a one-look display - giving Controllers a real-time view of the obstructed area. Full visual confirmation of the situation helps controllers effectively manage the ground traffic with a high degree of confidence. Providing surveillance through ATC-grade video is a cost-effective approach to handling ground traffic whether as a primary system or in conjunction with other surface management systems.
Using technology to manage the airport surface can help an airport improve safety and in some cases maintain or increase capacity. As traffic grows, surface management will play an increasing role in everything from reducing fuel emissions, to reducing passenger delays; the investment EIA has made will solve an important problem today and will provide value over the long term explains Alex Sauriol, vice president, ATM products, Searidge Technologies.
About Searidge Technologies
Searidge Technologies provides intelligent video solutions to Air Navigation Service Providers and airports to help them cost effectively increase safety and efficiency of surface management operations. The companys intelligent video platform IntelliDAR is a robust Non-Cooperative Surveillance System (NCSS) and the first operational system of its kind in an air traffic control tower to provide detection, positioning, and tracking of all targets on an airport surface. Searidge is helping its customers with ATC-grade video, gap filling/A-SMGCS augmentation, apron management, and remote tower capabilities.
Working with industry leaders such as DFS, FAA, EUROCONTROL and NAV CANADA, Searidge solutions are installed in sites throughout Europe, Middle East and North America. Founded in 2001, Searidge is a privately held company based in Canada's Capital region.
For more information, or to schedule an interview, please contact:
Searidge Technologies Inc.
Thuan Nguyen
Tel: 1-819-576-1030 ext. 309
Toll Free: 1-866-799-1555
e-Mail: thuann@searidgetech.com
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