EIB supports modernisation of air traffic management infrastructure in Ukraine

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing a EUR 41 million loan to finance a comprehensive programme implemented by the Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise (UkSATSE), focused on modernising and upgrading Ukraine’s air navigation system.
The EIB loan will finance the replacement and modernisation of surveillance infrastructure, air traffic management systems, the upgrade of communication and navigation systems and the construction of aerodrome control towers. It will be implemented at various airport sites as well as in remote locations throughout Ukraine.
EIB Vice-President Anton Rop stated: “EIB funds will contribute to safer and more efficient air navigation in Eastern Europe for the benefit of Ukraine as well as its partners in the European Union”.
The project that will be co-financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is part of the comprehensive programme to modernise Ukraine’s air traffic management infrastructure coordinated between Ukraine and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) within the framework of the European Single Sky Implementation Plan. This will help to meet future demand, improve air traffic management efficiency, achieve performance targets in compliance with the EU Single European Sky (SES) regulations and maintain required safety levels. It will also facilitate the planned integration of Ukraine into the European Common Aviation Area.
The EIB loan to the state-owned Ukrainian air navigation service provider complements EU-funded support to Ukraine for the implementation of EU norms and standards in the spheres of airports, aerodromes and air traffic management/air navigation services.
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