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Entry Point Central also welcomes foreign students from 2013

The first team of the latest generation of the Hungarian air traffic controllers received their diplomas on July 6, 2012, having received their training at the Entry Point Central air navigation services academy founded last year by HungaroControl and Entry Point North based upon the worldwide leading Scandinavian training program. The academy, a unique institution of this kind in Central Europe, will also open its gates before trainees arriving from other countries.
epn200logo.jpgHungaroControl and Entry Point North, the shared training centre of the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian air navigation services, opened a joint air navigation service academy in 2011 with the denomination Entry Point Central (EPC). EPC provides competitive knowledge and a qualification of high international prestige for the next generation of the Hungarian air traffic controllers. Compared to the earlier training system it is a new feature that the students may acquire practical experience already from the early stage of education, as the EPC simulator can be used already from the 5th week of training. Moreover, in the framework of cooperation with WizzAir, the trainees of the academy are taken on practice flights where they observe the events taking place in the cockpit under "live" conditions.

The first graduating class was awarded their diploma to testify the successful completion of their studies in a solemn ceremony on July 6, 2012. The trainees continue their studies at the Hungarian air navigation service provider for another 12 months. As many as 1058 persons applied in 2012 for the air traffic controller training, from among them 12 students can start their studies at the academy as a result of the selection process.

The training held in the English language fully satisfies the requirements of EUROCONTROL, therefore, the air navigation service academy opens its gates wide before other countries from 2013. The objective of the long-term, cross-border partnership is that Hungary raises the basic training of its air traffic controllers to a higher standard with the help of one of Europe's most prestigious training institution and contributes to the development of air navigation services as well as the enhancement of competitiveness of the Central European Functional Air Space Block (FAB CE) over some time. The unified and high quality training of the professionals is just as an important component of the successful integration than the technical-technological harmonization.

The Hungarian-Scandinavian partnership is special and exemplary also from the aspect that for the time being only a few comparable initiatives exist in Europe for such cross-regional co-operation of air navigation service providers.


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