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Entry Point North introduces ATSEP training courses

During the last few years the importance of having dedicated training for engineering and technical personnel undertaking operational safety related tasks, has been gaining more prominence.

During the last few years the importance of having dedicated training for engineering and technical personnel undertaking operational safety related tasks, has been gaining more prominence. This training is more commonly referred to as Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP). The training provides the required knowledge and practical skills to operate and maintain ATM equipment approved for operational use.

Entry Point North is launching a portfolio of ATSEP training programs including initial training for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel in line with EUROCONTROL Common Core Content specifications. The following ATSEP courses are now offered:

Basic ATSEP courses for ab-initio students;

Qualification ATSEP courses;

ATSEP OJTI, OJTI Refresher and Assessor courses.

Some Civil Aviation Authorities now require ATSEP personnel to be certified. Entry Point North can design tailor-made Basic ATSEP courses for experienced ATSEP personnel, where the background, experience and needs of course participants are taken into account. The academy can offer flexible course design, thereby meeting the needs of individual clients.

Entry Point North delivers the Basic and tailor-made Basic ATSEP course at the academy premises in Malmoe, Sweden. The qualification courses will be developed in close corporation with the customer and can be performed either at their premises or at the academy in Malmoe. Click here to know more:

Peter Kantner
Entry Point North


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