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Era Selected by ConnDOT for Noise and Flight Track Monitoring System

Era Systems Corporation, a subsidiary of SRA International, Inc. (NYSE: SRX), today announced that the Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) has selected Era to install its new noise and flight track monitoring solution. The solution will feature Eras NOMS (Noise and Operations Monitoring System), Larson Davis semi-permanent 831 noise monitoring terminals and Passur Aerospace flight tracking software.
The noise and flight-tracking terminals will be installed at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Conn. the state's largest airport and the second-busiest in New England. This advanced technology will allow the airport to handle noise complaints by correlating aircraft identification data with flight tracks to determine what flight caused a community complaint. ConnDOTs competitive award to Era strengthens our reputation as the leading NOMS provider in North America, said Era Vice President Bill Colligan. The hosted architecture of the product allows airports like Bradley, with limited noise management capabilities, to rapidly and cost-effectively deploy a fully functional NOMS solution with minimal airport staff involvement. In addition, ConnDOT selected Era's Contours, an optional feature of NOMS. Contours is a powerful integrated noise contouring application and patented virtual noise monitor tool (VNM). Contours is compatible with the latest version of the FAA's integrated noise model (INM) and also will be compatible with the aviation environmental design tool (AEDT), the FAA's next generation modeling tool that integrates both noise and air quality.
Daniel Finkel
ERA Systems Corp.


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