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Eurocontrol accepts the SESAR ATM Deployment Sequence

Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, has accepted the SESAR Air Traffic Management (ATM) Deployment sequence for developing and deploying the ATM Target Concept. The document, known as D4, proposes three successive implementation packages covering the period from 2008 to 2020 and beyond.
Its objective is to implement short term initiatives and to disseminate best practices that will ensure that latent network capacity can be released and additional capacity generated. It also looks at expanding information-sharing, enabling more environmentally sustainable performance-based operations. Another objective is to increase efficiency and capacity gains at airports and terminals as well as for flights en-route. The second package which will run from 2013 to 2020 (IP2) will deliver the 2020 ATM Target Concept. This will result in a more efficient ATM network across Europe. It will focus in particular on increasing network cost-effectiveness and efficiency. This will be achieved through improving the Trajectory Management process, providing a wider and more dynamic information-sharing environment. More precise aircraft-based meteorological data will also be made available. Capacity benefits will be gained at airports and terminals as well as en-route through the introduction of more advanced automated tools. Operational flexibility for both civil and military users will enable a far better response to military airspace requirements. The third package which goes beyond 2020 (IP3) aims to ensure that the long-term goals of SESAR will be met. Its main characteristics will be the introduction of the most advanced features of the SESAR Concept of Operations, such as the full application of Airborne Separation Assistance System (ASAS) self separation and 4D Trajectory Contract. We are pleased to accept the 4th deliverable from the SESAR Consortium, said Bernard Miaillier, SESAR Project Manager at EUROCONTROL. This is an important document which lays out the deployment sequence to realise the ATM Target Concept. D4 demonstrates that it is feasible to meet the performance goals. It also reflects the commitment of a significant cross-section of European ATM stakeholders, working together in the SESAR Consortium, to the implementation steps proposed for the shorter term and its recommendation for launching the development and validation activities according to the proposed transition sequence. The next step will provide the European ATM Master Plan (D5) and the Work Programme for 2008 2013 (D6), both of which will be delivered to EUROCONTROL in March. These two documents form essential inputs to the Development Phase, managed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking The ATM Deployment Sequence (D4) of the SESAR Definition Phase can be found on EUROCONTROLs website:, together with links to the stakeholder feedback process organised for this report.


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