EUROCONTROL and SELEX Sistemi Integrati work together to make existing controller tools fit for purpose

EUROCONTROL has awarded to a consortium led by SELEX Sistemi Integrati a contract for validating common user requirements for early implementation of new controller tools in Southern Europe.
The contract marks a new phase in a partnership initiated in 2006, bringing together the expertise of EUROCONTROL, SELEX Sistemi Integrati, ENAV (Società Nazionale per lAssistenza al Volo), MATS (Malta Air Traffic Services Limited) and Deep Blue Consulting & Research.
The first phase of the project looked at the links between the tools and the business needs of the Air Navigation Service Providers, the gap between their current capabilities and the future FASTI (First ATC Support Tools Implementation) concept and set out user requirements. The second phase, which will be completed by 2010 aims to validate user requirements with controller teams using industry products during real time simulations at ENAVs Experimental Centre in Rome.
The tools that will be put in place will reduce the controllers workload in their key tasks of conflict detection, planning, monitoring and coordination whilst maintaining safety and providing potential capacity gains and cost-efficiencies both in the air and on the ground.
The tools will also act as an enabler for improved operability between Area Control Centres within the context of the Single European Sky Functional Airspace Block initiative. The approach taken endorses the need to work in a common and harmonised way to ensure early benefits can be delivered to airspace users, says Chris Brain, the EUROCONTROL FASTI Programme Manager.
Partnership, says Antonio Mattogno - Senior Vice President of SELEX Sistemi Integrati Civil Systems Business Unit is one of SELEX Sistemi Integratis keywords. Working together with EUROCONTROL and Customers such as ENAV and MATS, supporting them in the definition of their requirements, enables SELEX Sistemi Integrati to design, develop and deploy the most appropriate next generation systems and tools.
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