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EUROCONTROL publishes call sign similarity rules for aircraft operators

EUROCONTROL today published a set of new rules which aim to reduce the risks associated with the long-standing problem of confusion caused by similarities between call signs.
The Call Sign Similarity Rules set out agreed definitions of what constitutes a similarity. The Rules have been compiled on the basis of an analysis of safety reports concerning call sign similarity/confusion events and are based on the experiences of those Call Sign Similarity User Group (CSS UG) members (aircraft operators and air navigation service providers ) who already operate a call sign similarity detection/de-confliction scheme. The rules will help all aircraft operators, whether or not they are currently engaged in call sign similarity prevention activities, to take practicable steps to reduce the number of call sign similarities embedded within their operating schedules, before the introduction of the on-line EUROCONTROL Call Sign Similarity Tool (CSS Tool) next year. The Call Sign Similarity Rules will be a core element of the CSS Tool which is being designed to detect and then de-conflict call sign similarities in an individual aircraft operators flight schedule. Full operational deployment of the CSS Tool is currently scheduled from autumn 2011 following Operational Trials earlier in the year. The CSS UG will oversee any changes to the Call Sign Similarity Rules which will be managed by the Call Sign Management Cell (CSMC) created in 2009 as an additional element of the EUROCONTROL pan-European call sign similarity solutions. The publication of these Call Sign Similarity Rules is a very positive step. They are the result of extensive consultation with aircraft operators and air navigation service providers on the basis of previous knowledge and real life operational experience. Consequently, they can be regarded as good practice and the CSMC would highly commend them to all aircraft operators who wish to reduce the safety risk associated with this well known and largely preventable phenomenon, said Jacques Martinez, Head of the Data Management Section and CSMC Operations at the EUROCONTROL CFMU. In the interests of flight safety, all aircraft operators are invited and strongly encouraged to apply, as far as possible, the Call Sign Similarity Rules which are accessible via the CFMU at: More information about the EUROCONTROL Call Sign Similarity service can be found at:
Press Office


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