EUROCONTROL workshop addresses future Avionics requirements for General and Business Aviation

More than 100 participants from a wide range of organisations have just concluded a 2 day workshop covering how the expected future requirements for operating in the European air traffic management system will impact on General and Business aviation.
The workshop had as its primary focus future navigation requirements but it also addressed how expected future surveillance and data communications requirements will impact general and business aviation. The key objectives were to increase awareness for operators and industry on future avionics requirements, both in the short and longer-term, to provide an opportunity for operators to make their desires and concerns known and to open up a dialogue with avionics and airframe manufacturers so as to encourage industry to develop affordable avionics equipment to meet the future operational requirements
"We have heard loud and clear the message from general and business aviation that they need cost-beneficial avionics and a harmonized approach to the development of navigation requirements," said Lex Hendriks, Deputy Director ATM Strategies at EUROCONTROL. "A solution which is acceptable for the air transport fleet, and even the larger business jet, is often not appropriate to the smaller General Aviation aircraft where the cost of new navigation avionics could be as much as 10% of the value of the airframe. We are also very conscious of the importance our partners attach to further cooperation between EUROCONTROL and the FAA to develop interoperable requirements."
The major topics addressed during the workshop included current and future technologies and capabilities from the avionics and airframe manufacturers, as well as operators' views and certification issues. The American Federal Aviation Administration presented its perspective on aircraft and operator requirements. EUROCONTROL speakers focused on the short, medium and long term navigation requirements in relation to the Navigation Strategy, the associated ground infrastructure planning and the latest GNSS developments. There was also an overview of expected cockpit requirements with regard to future use of airspace.
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