Euromed Common Aviation Area: an economy booster

Interview with Olivier Turcas, Project Leader of the Euromed Project.

The Euromed Aviation Projects main mission is to prepare the way for the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area (EMCAA) as decided by the Euro-Med Transport Ministers in 2005 and outlined in the 2007 Regional Transport Action Plan (RTAP) for the Mediterranean. It aims at elaborating a Road Map for the implementation of the EMCAA.
The EMCAA will have a far-reaching impact on the Partners with benefits not only in the aviation sector, but also the tourism and economic sectors, the project leader Olivier Turcas says in an interview with the ENPI Info Centre.
The creation of an EMCAA implies the adoption of common practises which will undoubtedly result in the improvement of air transport services and the modernisation of air traffic control and safety/security in the Partner Countries. The liberalisation of air transport in the region promises large economic gains, benefits from integrating a larger regional market, new market opportunities will be created along with employment opportunities, while investment in the aviation sector will be enhanced. This will also result in cheaper air travel prices.
The accomplishment of the EMCAA objectives will have an impact beyond the transport and economic sectors, enhancing exchanges between both sides of the mediterranean as well as facilitating the reciprocal understanding of cultures and encourage contacts between civil societies. Furthermore, initiatives like this promote human resources specialised training.
This phase of the Project has been easy and has consisted on raising awareness of the EMCAA benefits and on elaborating the Road Map. The biggest challenge is the implementation of the Road Map after its endorsement and securing a political endorsement, i.e. enabling the Partner Countries to obtain the legal, financial, human and technical resources to achieve all the actions identified in
the Road Map.
Participating countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel,
Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory,
Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
Timeframe 20072010
Budget € 5 million
Objectives Its aim is to promote the emergence of a Euro-Mediterranean Common Aviation Area and facilitate any future negotiations of comprehensive Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreements. It also seeks to reinforce air transport cooperation and improve aviation safety and security in the beneficiary countries.
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EuroMed Aviation fiche >
ENPI Info Centre Transport thematic portal >
The ENPI Info Centre is an EU-funded Regional Information and Communication project highlighting the partnership between the EU and Neighbouring countries. The project is managed by Action Global Communications.
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