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FAA employees urge immediate action of FAA furloughs

Approximately 4,000 employees at the FAA represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) and Professional Aviation Safety Specialists (PASS) were prevented from reporting to work and are now faced with an indefinite furlough and the uncertainties that come with sudden job loss.
AFSCME, NATCA and PASS are deeply concerned about the long-term impact to the men and women who will be unable to earn a living because they are caught in the middle of a congressional battle. Last week, we asked lawmakers to secure swift passage of a clean extension of FAA programs to ensure that FAA employees can continue to provide important services and functions to the agency and prevent delays in FAA modernization projects and initiatives. Today, we reemphasize the need for Congress to pass a clean extension that will get men and women back to work to provide for their families. We also urge Congress to work to pass a full FAA reauthorization bill that will move our National Airspace System forward.
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