FAA Funds Runway Incursion Mitigation Projects

The FAA has provided $11 million in Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds to eight airports that have risk factors for runway incursions. In June, the FAA unveiled the Runway Incursion Mitigation (RIM) program that will identify and mitigate risk factors that contribute to runway incursions at specific airports. The risk factors include unclear taxiway markings, lighting or signage, or confusing taxiway layout.
Working in partnership with airport sponsors, the FAA has identified several airports that will receive funds this fiscal year to begin mitigation efforts. The AIP funds will be used by airport sponsors to either study alternatives to reduce the number of runway incursions at their airports, or to fund projects that will specifically address unclear taxiway markings, lighting or signage, or taxiway layout concerns to mitigate runway incursion risks.
The following airports will receive funding.
- Waco Regional Airport in Texas will receive $6.4 million to realign a taxiway which will bring the taxiway up to FAA standards and reduce incursions at the airport.
- A $600,000 grant for Midway International Airport will install runway guard lights at a runway and taxiway intersection to reduce risk and to meet FAA design standards.
- A grant for $16,000 will be awarded to Philadelphia International Airport to design the taxiway modifications needed to meet FAA design standard and reduce runway incursion risk factors.
Cleveland International Airport will receive $2,332,214 million to reconfigure several taxiways to eliminate the risk of incursions.
Several airports will receive funding for Runway Incursion Mitigation studies. The amount varies based on the size of the airport and the complexity of the risk factors.
- Dallas Addison Airport in Texas, $43,614
- Lone Star Executive Airport in Texas, $19,693
- Scholes International Airport in Texas, $11,693
- San Jose International Airport in California, $1,498,141
These grant awards are in keeping with the FAA’s risk-based decision-making principles to proactively address safety risks.
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