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FAA Selects Sensis for Low Cost Ground Surveillance Program

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has selected Sensis Corporations Low Cost Ground Surveillance (LCGS) for evaluation as part of its LCGS Pilot Program. LCGS is an FAA initiative to reduce runway incursions at small- and medium-size airports by providing air traffic controllers with basic ground surveillance of runways and taxiways.
Under the LCGS Program, the FAA has awarded contracts to multiple companies to each demonstrate their proposed solutions at one airport. Based on the results of these demonstrations, the FAA may select one or more systems for deployment and operation at additional airports in the National Airspace System (NAS). Sensis will be deploying its initial system to Long Beach Airport, Long Beach, CA. Sensis has a long history of successful FAA programs and is currently deploying the FAAs Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) runway safety program to 35 airports, 19 of which are operational in the NAS and are now providing seamless coverage and aircraft identification to air traffic controllers. Sensis LCGS solution leverages the ASDE-X technology by using the same solid-state Surface Movement Radar Improved (SMRi) sensor and the same Air Traffic Control Display. The SMRi sensor has been certified by the FAA to meet the stringent requirements which are necessary for any surface sensor namely, all-weather detection, high position accuracy and low false alarm rate. Additionally, the Sensis LCGS solution features the Air Traffic Control Display which has been certified to meet the National Air Traffic Controllers Association-approved FAA visual specification and is currently in operation at all ASDE-X airports. Because the Sensis LCGS architecture is based on the FAA ASDE-X configuration, it supports the cost-effective integration of additional sensors including multilateration, ADS-B and terminal radar. Similarly, the LCGS system can be easily upgraded to include ASDE-X Safety Logic, the most advanced conflict detection and alerting technology available today. The Sensis LCGS solution is based on technologies deployed in the NAS, providing a system that doesnt require a long and costly certification program, said Tony Lo Brutto, vice president and general manager of Sensis Air Traffic Systems. By leveraging proven ASDE-X technology, the Sensis LCGS solution provides the benefits of a shared test and logistics infrastructure, which provides the best value to the FAA. In addition to the ASDE-X program, Sensis was recently chosen by the FAA to deploy Runway Status Lights (RWSL) to 22 airports. RWSL is a system of red lights embedded in the pavement of runways and taxiways that automatically warns pilots if it is unsafe to cross or enter a runway, or if a runway is unsafe for departure.
Ron Conrad
Sensis Corp


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