First Day of CANSO CEO Conference Hails 'New Era' for the Association

CANSO, the global voice of ATM, has concluded its first day of debate at its 13th AGM & CEO Conference with a call for a new era for the Association through greater global operational cooperation.
The CEO Conference began with three keynote opening addresses from CANSO Chairman Ashley Smout and FAA/ATO DG Hank Krakowski, as well as special guest Rod Marchado, a psychologist, pilot, air instructor, safety expert and humorist. He ensured that the Conference started in good spirits, as well as reminding Delegates of the importance of asking intelligent questions. Session 2 focused on finding ways through the current financial crisis. Delegates heard from Greg Russell, the CEO of Airservices Australia, on the labour negotiations that were so crucial to his organisations reform programme. Jeff Poole of IATA reminded the Conference of the need for action, not just words, to keep costs down, and offered IATAs assistance. Dr Fariba Alamdari of Boeing explained the future forecast beyond the immediate crisis, describing how an extra 29,000 planes will be required in the next 20 years. Finally, Knut Skaar of Avinor gave the European perspective on the actions needed to emerge stronger from the financial crisis. A major announcement was made before lunch with the news that after nine years at the helm, Secretary General Alexander ter Kuile would leave CANSO on the conclusion of his current contract in December. CANSO Chairman Ashley Smout led a standing ovation for Alexander, and paid tribute to his extraordinary work in transforming CANSO over the years. After lunch the Conference participated in a debate on the motion This Conference Believes that Cost Recovery is Dead. Team A, consisting of Dieter Kaden of DFS and Marc Hamy of DSNA, defended the motion, while it was opposed by Eamonn Brennan of the IAA and Jeff Poole of IATA. A lively discussion including many points raised by delegates resulted in a dead heat. The last session of the day was a fishbowl session on Taking Operational responsibility. The aim of the session was to discuss the future of CANSOs Operational strategy and cooperation, preparing the way for the launch of the Operations Committee. The session allowed for a very interactive and creative exchange allowing Delegates to move in and out of the Fishbowl to put their views. Summing up the days events, CANSO Secretary General Alexander ter Kuile commented: Todays discussions have shown exactly why CANSO has become the global voice of ATM. Only at a summit of global ATM leaders like this can the real issues facing ANSPs be understood, and decisions taking to tackle them. Tomorrows Workshops will give CEOs the opportunity to develop these ideas in more detail, giving a valuable lead for the Association as it works towards global ATM harmonisation and a seamless airspace system."
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