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FREQUENTIS Technology Revolutionises Mexican Airspace

Communication modernisation and ATM networking extension programme based on IP reaches further milestone.

- Vienna, Austria
The Mexican Air Navigation Service Provider (SENEAM), recently approved the final Frequentis Voice Communication Systems (VCS) supplied under the modernisation programme for regional control towers as well as the next phase for extension in the national ATM Networking Infrastructure with the Frequentis Networking Solution VCX. In this programme Frequentis has delivered 40 voice communication systems to sites across Mexico and is extending the nationwide ATM Networking Infrastructure with latest IP Technology. All Towers, APPs and ACCs in Mexico are now equipped with the Frequentis next-level VCS and networked via the latest VCX, based on EUROCAE and ICAO compliant IP technology. All sites additionally support a central monitoring concept via the nationwide ATM network, flawlessly controlling air traffic control communication and data services across the United Mexican States.
Rolf Unterberger, Member of the Executive Board of Frequentis, proudly states: “This milestone is further proof of our superior product quality and strong commitment to customer satisfaction. Once again we have demonstrated our expertise in implementing Communication Solutions and latest IP Technology within smooth and efficient modernisation programmes. SENEAM is one of the most innovative ANSPs in North and Latin America and we look forward to supporting them with further IP based communication solutions.”


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