FREQUENTIS wins the triplet with Austro Control

Frequentis, the global market leader in voice communication systems for air traffic control, has won a contract to supply its VCS 3020X Rel. 4.1 to the TWR/APP facilities at Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and Salzburg.
The companys partnership with Austro Control began back in 1955, when Frequentis installed voice communication equipment in Hangar 2 of Vienna Airport for the Federal Office of Civil Aviation (Austro Controls predecessor). January 2010 provided further evidence of the strength of this long-lasting partnership, when Frequentis was contracted to supply the towers/approaches in Klagenfurt, Innsbruck and Salzburg with Release 4.1 of its VCS 3020 voice communication system.
The plan is to upgrade the current systems in three stages, starting with Klagenfurt in 2010, Innsbruck in 2011 and finally Salzburg in 2012. Once complete, all Austrian air traffic control facilities will feature a standardised system, marking another step forward in Austro Controls desire to work with equipment built to the highest and latest technological standards. Furthermore, with having standardized systems all over Austria Austro Control is expecting future savings on Training, in spare part logistics and safety issues.
The VCS 3020X is a combined voice and data switch which provides integrated voice communications for radio, telephone and intercom in one unique system, with unlimited conferencing capabilities. The VCS 3020X provides operator access to all communication channels, regardless of the system load at any time.
The contract gives Frequentis 100% of the ATC market in voice communication in Austria. However, just as important for the company is the confirmation it gives to the value of a true and meaningful partnership between air navigation service providers and their industry partners.
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