Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) voice communication system acceptance test completed

Frequentis USA will deliver its voice communication system to Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) Airport under the Interim Voice Switch Replacement (IVSR) program for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Behind Chicago and Atlanta, DFW ranks as the third-busiest airport worldwide (680,000 aircraft movements and 65M passengers a year). Frequentis USA successfully completed system production acceptance test (PAT) in November 2016. Delivery is scheduled for early 2017.
Having delivered 117 3020X voice communications systems to date to the FAA, Frequentis will now deploy its largest IVSR system to DFW. The DFW system comprises 109 operator positions installed across the airport's terminal radar approach control facility (TRACON) and its three ATC towers.
This system will be the 118th IVSR system to complete PAT since the beginning of the IVSR contract and demonstrates that IVSR fulfils the FAA’s needs for replacement of large, unsupported, and aging legacy voice communications systems in TRACONs and ATC towers in the National Airspace System (NAS).
The FAA recently announced the dedication of the new NextGen air traffic control towers at San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and at Tucson International Airport (TUC), also equipped with Frequentis IVSR systems.
At its headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, Frequentis USA, Inc. designs, builds and integrates communication and information systems for the FAA, NASA, the Department of Defense, and Public Safety organizations in state and local governments.
“We are proud to continue our excellent partnership with the FAA by fulfilling their ATC voice switch requirements while following the highest safety standards thus achieving our commitment to the FAA and the flying public” says Leonard Swiontek, President of Frequentis USA, Inc.
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