Estonian Air Navigation Services Trusts in smartMessenger, the Fastest and Most Flexible AMHS System from FREQUENTIS

After a thorough tender evaluation and testing phase, Estonian Air Navigation Provider EANS decided in favour of Frequentis smartMessenger, which offered the best technical solution with the lowest total cost of ownership. With this contract award, Frequentis strengthens its position in the EUR/NAT AMHS market.
With a minimum performance of 350 AMHS messages switched per second and features that enable to configure the system according to the customer’s specific operational needs, smartMessenger is not only the fastest but also the most flexible AMHS system available on the market.
The operation of smartMessenger by the Danish ANSP NAVIAIR is a solid testament to the superior performance and availability characteristics of the system. The Denmark smartMessenger AMHS system switches over 8 million messages per month to ten (10) international AMHS partners, earning the highest degree of satisfaction with NAVIAIR users and management.
The EANS smartMessenger AMHS system will be hosted in a virtual environment and configured with the AMHS Extended Services including support for data exchange with the European Directory Service (EDS), Frequentis will implement the system in full compliance with ED-153, based on the strict European guidelines for ANS software safety assurance.
Mati Tarlap, member of the Management Board / Head of CNS/ATM Department at EANS, states “We were extremely satisfied with the expertise and support of Frequentis during the intense tender phase. Additionally, the system’s unrivalled performance and wide range of functionalities convinced us to select the Frequentis solution.” He continues. “Our new AMHS system doesn’t just fulfil the standard EUROCONTROL and ICAO requirements, it is also capable of meeting additional requirements in a very cost-effective and user-friendly way. As the solution is easily configurable and extendible, we feel well prepared to meet the growing demand of our services.”
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