FAB Danube: Technological Move Towards Dynamic Airspace Re-Sectorisation Based on FREQUENTIS Voice Communication System

Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA) and Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) are entrusting Frequentis to advance the ATM communication systems and infrastructure of the Functional Airspace Block (FAB) in the Danube Region. With this next FAB programme the global market leader for communication systems in air traffic control will extend its broad customer base by two ANSPs.
In 2011, the French air navigation service provider DSNA and EUROCONTROL’s Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre chose Frequentis to supply the new N-VCS voice communication system for the FAB Europe Central (FABEC). Now with FAB Danube – one of the most important and challenging ATM programmes in Europe at present – the second FAB installation has been mandated to the global high-tech company. Frequentis, who won the contract in the face of strong competition, will deploy and maintain the Voice Communication Systems (VCS) and associated radio network infrastructure for the Danube FAB ATC Centres in Bucharest and Sofia, the Approach/Tower Centre in Varna and Bulgaria’s Burgas Airport.
FAB Danube contributes to and drives the next generation of communication in air traffic management in the European airspace, implementing functional and technological standards utilising the power of IP for increased safety, flexibility and efficiency of airspace use for the global ATM industry.
Dynamic Airspace Re-Sectorisation
The way ATM will operate in the future requires new VCS technologies: Frequentis actively strives to define the future of ATM with trend-setting technology innovations like dynamic airspace re-sectorisation that provide a model for the rest of the world to follow. VCS3020X - the fastest VCS available on the market - adds to this the abilities to share workloads, network resources and management responsibilities. To ensure that no airspace is ever left unassigned, the handover of airspace responsibilities is conducted through an acknowledged workflow process, where VCS3020X guarantees a gap-free handover.
The solution for FAB Danube encompasses networked all-IP VCS deployments providing end-to-end VoIP communications between the ROMATSA and BULATSA sites. The future-proof IP-network interoperability, using the EUROCAE Working Group 67 standards, enables safe and reliable communication with all neighbouring ANSPs and also air-ground equipment.
“The partners in the FAB Danube programme are setting a vital milestone towards the Single European Sky Vision,” says Frequentis CEO Hannes Bardach. “We’re thrilled that our proven expertise in cross-national programmes and our ability to meet the most demanding technology and project challenges have led BULATSA and ROMATSA to entrust us with such a standards-setting task. This success not only reflects our long history of technology and innovation leadership, but also our commitment to embracing cooperative partnerships with new clients and our determination to deliver state-of-the-art, highly reliable systems that fulfil specific customer needs.”
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