FREQUENTIS and ND SatCom Announce Cooperation:
ATM-Grade Voice Quality Through to Dynamic Delay Compensation

Frequentis and ND SatCom announce their cooperation for IP-based ATM-grade voice communication over satellite networks. Both companies commit to expanding their partnership to deliver highest voice quality through to dynamic delay compensation. As a result, a high availability solution will serve all future customers in compliance to the standards of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).
ND SatCom and Frequentis have been partners for the past few years and now expand this commitment to create a new dimension of interconnected satellite and terrestrial networks to ensure a first-class ATM-grade network solution with dynamic delay compensation, which is crucial for IP networks.
ND SatCom is the premier supplier of and integrator for satellite communication equipment systems and solutions to support critical operations for customers globally. Its flagship product, the SKYWAN platform, enables global users to communicate securely, effectively and at high speeds via satellite. ”ND SatCom stands for high-quality, with secure, turnkey and custom system-engineered communication solutions that fit exactly with solutions from Frequentis”, stated Dietmar Riedel, head of Business Development and Sales at ND SatCom. ”With our SKYWAN 5G we can not only provide high IP throughput and extreme packet processing rates but also guarantee satellite jitter to be kept well below 10ms for radar and voice traffic in ATM networks”, explained Michael Weixler, head of Product Management at ND SatCom.
“With extensive experience and expertise in design, integration and operation of ATM networks, Frequentis is providing communication and network systems with ED-137 compliance. With our VCX-IP network solution, market-leading in dynamic delay compensation, we support highest voice quality in air traffic management”, adds Stefan Galler, Product Manager for ATM networks at Frequentis. ED-137 is the international standard to ensure safe operations and vendor independence with Voice over IP technology, defined by EUROCAE (European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).
With this cooperation customers will benefit from standardised architectures and features. In dynamic IP and satellite communication the time lapsed for information travelling between two communicating points in the network varies according to the nature of the networks. Air Traffic Control requires safety-critical radio communication delays to be predictable in order to eliminate any echo. The solutions provided by Frequentis and ND SatCom provide a built-in dynamic delay compensation to fulfil this need.
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