FREQUENTIS Group confirm successful financial year 2016
Positive fiscal year reinforces position as niche supplier of safety-critical solutions

Now in its 70th year, the Frequentis Group, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, presents itself stronger than ever before. Drivers of growth are the innovative strength of the internationally operating company, as well as the extension of the company group with the addition of Germanbased Comsoft Solutions, a leading software manufacturer in the field of Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Air Traffic Management (ATM).
Frequentis AG is an international supplier of communication and information systems for control centres with safety-critical tasks. Such “Control Centre Solutions” are developed and marketed by Frequentis for the business segments of Air Traffic Management (civil and military air traffic safety, air defence) and Public Safety & Transport (police, fire brigades, rescue services, shipping, railways).
The expansion of the company group with Comsoft Solutions GmbH, at the beginning of 2016, brought a major boost to the ATM business segment. The complementary product portfolio reinforces Frequentis' worldwide leading role with communication and information solutions in this sector.
The strong position on the world market is reflected in a strong growth spurt in 2016: New orders went up by 18% to EUR 259.5 million, while operating performance rose by 11% to EUR 252.2 million. EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) amounted to EUR 12.4 million. More than 400 customers in over 130 countries worldwide have now placed their confidence in information and communication solutions developed by Frequentis.
This success will continue in the 2017 financial year. Key aspects are the further expansion of the international markets and the development of added value in the regions in which Frequentis subsidiaries are already active.
For more information, please consult the Frequentis Annual Report 2016
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