FREQUENTIS smartMessenger Connects Malaysia with Singapore, Thailand, India, and Vietnam
The implementation of smartMessenger in Malaysia reinforces Frequentis’ strong position in the worldwide AMHS market

DCA Malaysia, in cooperation with Telekom Malaysia, has been operating the AFTN message switch supplied by Frequentis California (formerly GWDI) since 1999. The system is connected with domestic users over an extensive nationwide IP network as well as international communication centres in Singapore, Thailand, India, and Vietnam.
In 2013 the system was upgraded with Frequentis smartMessenger configured to support the AMHS extended services, as mandated by ICAO, with the Frequentis user agents being deployed throughout Malaysia. The new system is configured for redundant operation with two computer servers installed in separate buildings and interconnected via a fibre optic backbone.
As part of the implementation, the system has successfully passed AMHS conformance testing as well as AMHS interoperability and pre-operational tests with AMHS systems operated by Aerothai in Thailand and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS).
John Fort, CEO at Frequentis California said 'DCA Malaysia has been working with Frequentis California (formerly GWDI) for the past 15 years and we are confident that such cooperation will continue for many years to come.'
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