FREQUENTIS Speech on Intelligent DNOTAM Prioritisation Well Received at ATIEC Conference 2014

This year’s Air Transportation Information Exchange Conference (ATIEC) was held in Washington DC from August 25 - 28. Eduard Gringinger, Corporate Research Manager at Frequentis, was invited by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to present the research project semNOTAM. The semNOTAM project is designed to help operators conquering the masses of Digital Notices to Airmen (DNOTAMs) by offering an intelligent way of DNOTAM prioritisation.
The aim of the semNOTAM research project is to fully utilise the potential benefits of having DNOTAMs available and distributed digitally in a format specified by EUROCONTROL and FAA, based on the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model. These benefits include complementary support for intelligent filtering and querying of DNOTAMs using a wide range of criteria based on event types of DNOTAMs, types of aircraft or flight, as well as location in space and progress in time. semNOTAM aims to filter irrelevant DNOTAMs in order to provide users only with NOTAMs relevant for their role and the purpose of the DNOTAM query. Furthermore, the system augments the NOTAMs with other viable information such as their priority. The first day of the conference focused on DNOTAMs. During the remainder of the conference speakers from the international ATM community made major announcements regarding new versions and the future evolution of the well-known exchange models AIXM, WXXM and FIXM.
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