FREQUENTIS to Exhibit at ATC Global – Booth 6010

Frequentis will once more attend ATC Global Conference, 5-7 October, World Trade Centre, Dubai. Experience our commitment to air safety and those who manage it in our panel and presentations, and learn more about our broad suite of market-leading business and safety-critical ATM solutions at booth 6010 and our meeting room M02
Frequentis is the global market leader in safety-critical communication systems for Air Traffic Control and Aeronautical Information Management. We reach back to experience gained from installing more than 25,000 ATM controller working positions in 120 countries around the globe. Our partners rely on our commitment, our domain know-how and experience in mission-critical applications built through numerous international engagements. We keep their operational, financial, and organisational risks low and ensure their expectations are met.
Meet us and find out how Frequentis can assist you in enhancing your business. We will once more demonstrate our market leading civil communications, information, and automation systems and solutions portfolio:
End-to-end ATC VoIP communication solutions
ATM-grade and standard compliant network infrastructure
Cost-efficient and innovative tower and remote virtual tower solutions
Integrated AIM solutions
Reliable ATM data recording and investigation solutions
Turnkey systems integration and delivery capabilities
Panels and Presentations with FREQUENTIS Participation:
- Panel: Finding the optimum ATM solutions by networking data
FREQUENTIS Seminar Theatre I 06 October 2015 I 13:00-14:00 (held as a brown bag session), please collect your lunch bag at the seminar theatre
Chair: Bo Redeborn, Executive Business Consultant
Panel participants: Greg Pile, Head of Operational technology, DANS; Phillippe Merlo, Director ATM, EUROCONTROL; David Bowen, Chief ATM, Sesar Joint Undertaking
Many ANSPs are struggling to find possibilities to deal with the perceived contradiction between the improved safety, increased capacity and the cost reduction targets at the same time. If you focus on one target in a traditional way it could easily impact some of the others in a negative way. Efficient networked solutions for all needed data have the potential to contribute meeting several different targets at the same time in an integrated fashion. That is the subject to be debated in the panel.
- Presentation: SWIM enabled Open Architecture for the Advanced Tower Controller Working Position
FREQUENTIS Seminar Theatre I 06 October 2015 I 14:00-15:00
Presenter: Thomas Fränzl, Head of Business Development, Remote
Upgrading or integrating products like EFS, A-SMGCS, SMAN or Safety-Net applications into legacy ATC tower environment, is creating huge headache for many ANSPs around the world. The CWP solution with SWIM enabled open architecture shows how ANSPs can benefit from a cost-efficient, futureproof and modular system that integrates new and legacy products even fromdifferent vendors.
- SESAR workshop “High performing aviation for Europe”
Workshop Theatre I 06 October 2015 I 14:30 – 17:00
Moderator: Moderator, Michael Standar, SESAR JU
With a business perspective from SESAR Members from 15:50 until 16:50
SESAR Members on stage: Patrick Lelievre, Airbus; Philippe Merlo, Eurocontrol; Stuart Wain, European Commission; Gerald Mohl, Frequentis; Niclas Gustavsson, LFV; Jonathan Astill, NATS; Luc Lallouette, Thales
- Presentation: Remote Tower and Dynamic Airspace Use: How the ATMGrade network enables cost saving and efficiency gains for ANSP’s and airspace users
FREQUENTIS Seminar Theatre I 07 October 2015 I 10:30-11:30
Presenter: Gerald Mohnl, Director ATM Communication Solutions,
The need to deliver more capacity for airspace users at a lower cost base triggers the implementation of new CONOPS of ANSPs worldwide. These CONOPS are based on concepts, such as, dynamic sectorisation, virtual centre and multi-remote towers. The underlying network infrastructure is the cornerstone for implementing these concepts.
To deliver these new generation ATC-Services safely, reliably, and at high-capacity an ATM-grade network based on state of the art technologies is paramount.
- Panel: Session Eight: Remote Towers
Al Multaqua Ballroom I 07 October 2015 I 14:00-15:30
Chair: Conor Mullan, Managing Director, Think Research
Panel Participants: Rudi Kellar, Executive Vice President, Service Delivery, NavCanada (tbc); Niclas Gustavsson, Director International Affairs, LFV, Sweden; Nils Svan, Vice President Strategy, Dubai Air Navigation Services (DANS); Thomas Fränzl, Head of Business Development, Remote Towers, Frequentis AG
In the past year, the Remote Tower concept has become an operational reality in Europe with deployments planned by ANSP’s in several continents, for both small and larger airports. Where will Remote Tower be used and why?
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