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GCAS and AVTECH ME partner to offer unique courses in the Middle East

The Gulf Centre for Aviation Studies (GCAS), a part of ADAC, and AVTECH Middle East have signed a partnership agreement that aims to offer training programs focused on a number of key operational areas such as Performance Based Operations (PBO), Collaborative Decision Making (CDM), Airborne CNS/ATM as well as Quality Management, Auditing and Human Factors courses to name a few of the topics on offer.
These courses stand out as they are linked to real life operational requirements and best practice and are delivered by highly experienced subject matter experts. With the rapid growth of the aviation sector in the Middle East, it is vital that training courses are linked to the latest technology advances and improvements.

These courses are being offered for the very first time in the Middle East in GCAS facilities in Abu Dhabi, making it convenient for aviation professionals in the region to attend.

Dr. Othman Al Khoori, General Manager, GCAS and Vice President, HR & Administration, ADAC, highlighted that the focus of GCAS is to bring the very best in aviation training courses to the Middle East. This is accomplished by partnering with strategic partners such as AVTECH.

ADAC was created in 2006 to spearhead the development of the Emirate of Abu Dhabis aviation infrastructure and it is the largest operator of airports in the UAE. In 2009, ADAC created the Gulf Centre for Aviation Studies (GCAS) in providing cost-effective training solutions that address some of the challenges confronting the 21st century aviation industry.

Mr. Lars Lindberg, CEO, AVTECH Middle East highlighted that the focus of AVTECH is to offer sustainable solutions within the area of Performance Based Operations (PBO). AVTECH strongly believes these training programs will help in improving awareness and knowledge of this concept in the region.


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