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Graphical Meteorological Display System enhancing planning reliability and capacity in airspace

A new meteorological data display system assists controllers in assessing weather conditions more accurately. Up-to-date meteorological information about lightning and precipitation is displayed on a screen, showing sector boundaries, aerodromes and navigational aids.
This makes it easy to locate the geographical area. DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH developed this Graphical Meteorological Display System (GMET) in cooperation with the German Meteorological Service (DWD). The prototype will be unveiled between 17 and 19 March at the DFS booth at the ATC Global in Amsterdam. Since October 2008, DFS has been testing GMET in a pilot programme at Munich control centre. This tool enables controllers and supervisors to more accurately assess the weather conditions. On their monitors, they can visualise the direction in which the weather front is moving, says Ernst Potzel, head of the test programme. GMET is exactly the tool that we have been looking for on the market because we are constantly striving to enhance safety and capacity in the busy German airspace. And GMET is helping us to do just this. On a separate monitor at the controller working position, the multi-coloured weather display of the DWD is depicted on the radar map. It is possible to display individual sectors or the entire German airspace. Using the animation feature, controllers can observe the movement of the weather front over a certain period of time. The meteorological information is continuously updated and displays the weather conditions of the past few minutes and hours. Controllers can choose to show or hide the information displayed. The favourites function can be used to define different display options depending on the type of working position (tower, approach or control centre) and the geographical location. Once the test phase is successfully completed, the system could soon be made available to other air navigation service providers.
Nanda Geelvink


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