Contract Extension for EAD Service Provision

GroupEAD, Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) services company, is pleased to announce that it has been chosen once again as partner for the EAD data operations service. This partnership was sealed with the signature of the multiyear contract extension between GroupEAD and EUROCONTROL signed in June 2021.
GroupEAD has been successfully operating the EAD (European AIS Database) on behalf of EUROCONTROL since 2003 and could extend the contract with EUROCONTROL in June 2021. EAD is the world largest central AIS (Aeronautical Information Service) database and is servicing pan-European, civil-military organisation for a safe and smooth air traffic management across Europe. Over the years EAD has become “the” reference database and is in the meantime providing AIS service for 55 States worldwide with more than 200 data users.
GroupEAD is ensuring 24h per day, 7 days per week access to real-time data of guaranteed integrity and quality. EUROCONTROL has been certified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), since 9 December 2016, and we are proud providing such service on behalf of EUROCONTROL. Beside the data processing services, GroupEAD is also offering trainings for EAD users and will welcome soon the 9.000th trainee.
Together with Frequentis, who will continue to provide the EAD release development as well as IT-management to EUROCONTROL, we continue our strong and truthful partnership in dedication for the EAD.
“We are pleased to further collaborate with EUROCONTROL and to provide a reliable and sustainable EAD Service to their clients. We take the continued trust as an incentive for the upcoming tasks in the context of digitization requirements for customers and thus also want to make our contribution to even more efficient and safe processes in aviation.” (Christian Schmidt, CEO GroupEAD)
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