On the 21st of January 2021, GroupEAD and ESSP signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen their cooperation

These organizations, that are EASA certified or having extensive experience operating an EASA certified service, are willing to explore cooperation in the field of the development of new pan-European Services, in consistency with the ATM Data Service Provider (ADSP) concept promoted by the European Commission.
GroupEAD and ESSP have certain shareholders in common and already have a long experience of cooperation in training, cooperation that will be reinforced thanks to this MoU.
“The current air transport crisis confirms the already identified needs of the ATM orientations for the coming years, and the provision of pan-European ATM services will be key to meet a greener, smarter, safer and more efficient sky. GroupEAD and ESSP have much in common, caring of ATM users through the provision of Pan-European added-value services. It was clear that we had to prepare together the future of ATM services. This agreement is a beginning of a closer relationship based on solid ground” Thierry Racaud, CEO, ESSP.
“GroupEAD is providing added value in the AIM domain with standard and customize products to the aviation community. The current crisis is motivating GroupEAD even stronger to establish partnerships to offer cross-over domain solutions facilitating the recovery of the aviation sector.
The more complex interdependency needs a wide scope of service – so called full service. The strong digitalisation in the next years is the challenge and key of success of our cooperation.
ESSP and GroupEAD have complimentary capabilities and knowledge to establish added value services to the aviation community. We are looking forward to combine best of breed of both companies to any long-term cooperation.” Christian Schmidt, CEO, GroupEAD Europe S.L.
Christian Schmidt, CEO, Group EAD
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