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Helios launches new training course on VoIP and its application to ATS Ground Voice Networks

Helios is running a two-day training course in London on 30 June - 1 July 2009 to help professionals in the aeronautical industry develop a better understanding of the implications and requirements placed on the next generation Voice Communication System, Ground Radio Stations and Voice Recorders.
From chatting over the internet to replacing whole telecommunications networks, VoIP means different things to different people. In general, VoIP involves changes to many aspects of how audio is transferred between points, which brings with it certain advantages and disadvantages. Now EUROCAE documents specifying VoIP interface requirements, interoperable functionality, network aspects and qualification/validation tests have been released and work has begun to develop compliant Telephone, Radio and Recorder Voice over IP interfaces. The introduction of Voice over IP for ATS Ground Voice Telephone and Radio Networks is starting to cause a gradual evolution with the migration from the circuit switched and TDM based VCS communication infrastructures in operation today towards a future converged common multimedia IP network infrastructure for both voice and data services. IP Technology now has the true potential to fulfil operational and technical ATM communication requirements. The course will help attendees gain a deeper understanding of VoIP within the context of ATS and of EUROCAE requirements. It will identify solutions relating to the next generation of Voice Communication Systems, Radios and Recorders; and explain operation within a European wide IP network. For further information and booking visit: or telephone +44 1252 451 681


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