Helios wins 3rd contract to support Single Skys Industry Consultation Body

Helios, the independent transport consultancy based in Farnborough UK, has won its third consecutive contract to provide technical support services to the Industry Consultation Body (ICB) for the Single European Sky.
The ICB consists of representatives from all ATM industry stakeholders and was created through the Single European Sky legislation, with the aim of providing advice on the implementation of SES to the European Commission. Helios has provided administrative, secretarial and technical support to the ICB since its creation in 2004.
Comments Helios chairman Dr Mike Shorthose: This contract reflects the confidence that the European Commission has in our contribution over the last 7 years. We understand the perspectives of all of the individual stakeholders, including all classes of airspace users, air navigation service providers, manufacturing industry and the professional staff associations, and we bring that understanding to bear in our facilitation work and reporting outputs.
The Helios team includes a range of specialists covering European institutions, CNS/ATM technology, ATM operations, economic and institutional aspects and airport operations. The new contract runs until 2015.
Comments Helios chairman Dr Mike Shorthose: This contract reflects the confidence that the European Commission has in our contribution over the last 7 years. We understand the perspectives of all of the individual stakeholders, including all classes of airspace users, air navigation service providers, manufacturing industry and the professional staff associations, and we bring that understanding to bear in our facilitation work and reporting outputs.
The Helios team includes a range of specialists covering European institutions, CNS/ATM technology, ATM operations, economic and institutional aspects and airport operations. The new contract runs until 2015.
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