IDS/Ubitech Demonstrate their Position as AIM Market Leaders with AIM Contract in 14 Caribbean States

Ubitech Technologies Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. is pleased to announce the signing of a contract with the Trinidad and Tobago Civil Aviation Authority (TTCAA) for the provision of a comprehensive AIM system and advanced tool sets for the management of aeronautical information. The AIM System has a regional scope and will be implemented across 14 separate states in the Caribbean.
The contract calls for the implementation of an integrated AIM System for the management of both Dynamic and Static aeronautical information. The industry leading CRONOS Dynamic AIM system will be deployed for the management of Digital and traditional NOTAMs, MET information, and Flight Plans (Doc 4444, Amendment 1 compliant) and will provide the features for the production of Pre-flight Information Briefings (PIBs). CRONOS will be closely integrated with the AeroDB Static Database which will become the centralized static aeronautical datastore for AIXM v5.1 data in the Eastern Caribbean Region (ECAR). GFEAMAN will provide users with advanced GIS capabilities for static data maintenance and the AeroTranslators will enable the sharing of data in many data formats such as the previous versions of AIXM and ARINC 424 and directly to EAD through the AeroEAD interface. Not only will the AeroDB Static Database operate as a validation source for Dynamic Data, it will also serve as data source to the IAS Publishing tool set which will deliver automated database driven AIP production services. Like the AIP, aeronautical chart production using IAS Charting will be highly automated by using AeroDB as data source. For the design and validation of flight procedures, IDS industry leading FPDAM will be deployed also fully integrated with AeroDB static database.
Because the TTCAAs AIM System will be regional system covering 14 states, it poses challenges in terms maintaining data quality during the information lifecycle from raw data submission, to data validation/processing, to data publication. It is in solving this issue that IDS/Ubitech are able separate themselves from their competitors. IDS product called PLX (PLanning eXtensions) is a web-based AIM Data Process Management tool designed to meet the requirements of RTCA/200A, ADQ, CHAIN, SDP, and ICAO Annex 15 & Doc 8126. It has three main functions; (1) Data Collection Web-pavilion for internal/external originators to submit aeronautical data, (2) Process Management Process definition, process execution fully integrated with IDS AIM system and tools, and process tracking and auditing, and (3) Data distribution distribution of data via the web in tabular and geographical format. Using PLX, TTCAA and other ECAR states will create a unified AIM environment connecting all stakeholders through structured processes and ensure the highest level of quality of aeronautical data.
As part of this contract IDS/Ubitech will provide 10 years of maintenance support which means TTCAA is not only getting the best AIM system for today, but are also guaranteeing they will remain at the forefront of this field for many years to come.
Because the TTCAAs AIM System will be regional system covering 14 states, it poses challenges in terms maintaining data quality during the information lifecycle from raw data submission, to data validation/processing, to data publication. It is in solving this issue that IDS/Ubitech are able separate themselves from their competitors. IDS product called PLX (PLanning eXtensions) is a web-based AIM Data Process Management tool designed to meet the requirements of RTCA/200A, ADQ, CHAIN, SDP, and ICAO Annex 15 & Doc 8126. It has three main functions; (1) Data Collection Web-pavilion for internal/external originators to submit aeronautical data, (2) Process Management Process definition, process execution fully integrated with IDS AIM system and tools, and process tracking and auditing, and (3) Data distribution distribution of data via the web in tabular and geographical format. Using PLX, TTCAA and other ECAR states will create a unified AIM environment connecting all stakeholders through structured processes and ensure the highest level of quality of aeronautical data.
As part of this contract IDS/Ubitech will provide 10 years of maintenance support which means TTCAA is not only getting the best AIM system for today, but are also guaranteeing they will remain at the forefront of this field for many years to come.
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