IFATSEA deeply troubled by the ATC situation in SPAIN

IFATSEA believes the current State of alarm for the provision of air traffic services is not only very difficult for the travelling public but it has significant potential to undermine the safe provision of that service.
IFATSEA is a professional organisation representing Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) worldwide. The main objective is the promotion of safety, security, efficiency and sustainability in international aviation.
The provision of air navigation services requires co-ordinated collaboration and cooperation among many stakeholders where ATSEPs, ATCOs and Pilots work together in order to ensure the safe and expeditious flow of aircraft. This means that detailed attention is paid to ensure that the public at large remain safe whether they are flying or not. Breaking this chain of collaborative decisions making (CDM) and Team Resource Management (TRM) will put the overall system at risk.
IFATSEA strongly believes that dialogue, collaboration and cooperation among all stakeholders are the only way for a change in ANSP governance where safety remains number one priority.
The new Single European Sky II regulations endorsed by the European Parliament promotes the Human Factor pillar and promotes social dialogue and makes these mandatory in the consideration of provision of air navigation services. The decisions taken by the Spanish Government cannot be seen as an acceptable course of action.
The highest priority must be to ensure that the public are not put at risk and that the normal operation of the air traffic service is restored, IFATSEA asks all relevant stakeholders including the government of Spain, AENA, professional associations and trade unions to reopen discussions in order to achieve a balanced outcome. We, together with our Spanish Affiliate (FSAI) look forward to a constructive dialogue to secure a safe and efficient ANS.
The provision of air navigation services requires co-ordinated collaboration and cooperation among many stakeholders where ATSEPs, ATCOs and Pilots work together in order to ensure the safe and expeditious flow of aircraft. This means that detailed attention is paid to ensure that the public at large remain safe whether they are flying or not. Breaking this chain of collaborative decisions making (CDM) and Team Resource Management (TRM) will put the overall system at risk.
IFATSEA strongly believes that dialogue, collaboration and cooperation among all stakeholders are the only way for a change in ANSP governance where safety remains number one priority.
The new Single European Sky II regulations endorsed by the European Parliament promotes the Human Factor pillar and promotes social dialogue and makes these mandatory in the consideration of provision of air navigation services. The decisions taken by the Spanish Government cannot be seen as an acceptable course of action.
The highest priority must be to ensure that the public are not put at risk and that the normal operation of the air traffic service is restored, IFATSEA asks all relevant stakeholders including the government of Spain, AENA, professional associations and trade unions to reopen discussions in order to achieve a balanced outcome. We, together with our Spanish Affiliate (FSAI) look forward to a constructive dialogue to secure a safe and efficient ANS.
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