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Improved De-icing Prognosis at Zurich Airport by delair system

De-icing prognosis system arosa for an early determination of actual capacity demand in operations
Each winter again the airports face the problem to predict the scope and duration of aircraft de-icing. Even the most experienced de-icing coordinators only can solve this problem to a limited extent. This results in de-icing capacities which are not adjusted to actual demand and, thus, in aninsufficient or too large number of de-icing vehicles. This might lead to subsequent delays and even to flight cancellations which is a costly enterprise for airport operators or airlines.

One year ago Zurich International Airport asked delair to develop a prognosis and planning system for the de-icing planning. This system is based on arosa, a system to predict the airport capacity.

Powered by fast and powerful algorithms the prognosis system determines the future situation at an airport with regard to the de-icing process. The de-icing prognosis shows the departures for the next hours with the best available off-block time and provides the resource demand for de-icing vehicles and de-icing pads. Within very short time the user can use what-if-scenarios to find out how an increase or a cut-back of de-icing capacities impacts on the departure times.

The de-icing of departures can take place on the stand or on the so-called remote de-icing pads. Here, the de-icing prognosis allows for an optimum allocation, either via a set of rules or manually. The amount of available de-icing pads and de-icing vehicles can be determined. Furthermore, it is possible to fine-tune the de-icing depending on the weather situation (percentage of aircraft to be de-iced) and to determine the duration of de-icing.

On this basis the demand as well as the waiting time for aircraft is calculated. Thus, the user is provided with the respective cost-benefit and delay analysis during the allocation of vehicles and de-icing areas. Airlines and passengers can be informed very early about possible delays or cancellations.

By this means the arosa de-icing prognosis system guarantees a considerably improved planning and helps to reduce delays and flight cancellations.
Martin Wiesner
Delair Air Traffic Systems


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