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Improving the passenger experience - Competition or regulation?

Some 150 representatives from the 44 Member States of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the European Commission, and leading personalities from the aviation industry gather today and tomorrow in London for the eighth ECAC/EU Dialogue with the European air transport industry.
Hosted by the United Kingdom Department for Transport, and placed under the aegis of Mr Jonathan Moor, Director General for Civil Aviation, Department for Transport, United Kingdom, and ECAC Focal Point for Economic matters.

Eighth ECAC/EU Dialogue with the European Air Transport Industry
The theme of this major event is Improving the Passenger Experience Competition or Regulation? Cost effective, competitive services that benefit passengers and help to drive the European economy are the ultimate objective of industry and regulators alike. However, a legitimate question remains whether the current balance of deregulation in the market, regulation of consumer protection, and competition between service providers is the right one to deliver the optimum passenger experience.
Mr Catalin Radu, President of ECAC and Director General of Civil Aviation for Romania, the Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond, UK Secretary of State for Transport, and Mr Henrik Hololei, Head of Cabinet of Vice-President Siim Kallas, European Commission will open the event.

In moderator-led sessions, the Dialogue will explore five key questions, first on the podium and then through open discussion. How can passenger expectations be met? Is there too much - or not enough - regulation of passenger rights? How can more efficient border controls improve the end-to-end journey? Can innovation help ease the struggle through security? Where does the balance lie between regulation and competitive freedom in securing the best possible passenger experience? The topicality of the questions together with the prominence of the speakers promise thought-provoking and lively discussions.

The following speakers will participate in the Dialogue:
  • Willie Walsh, Chief Executive, International Airlines Group (IAG)
  • Ad Rutten, Executive Vice-President and COO Schiphol Group, President ACI EUROPE
  • Richard Quest, Anchor and Aviation Correspondent, CCN
  • David McMillan, Director General, EUROCONTROL
  • Dan Michaels, European Aerospace and Aviation Editor, Wall Street Journal
  • Marjeta Jager, Director for General Policy, DG Mobility and Transport, European Commission
  • Michael O'Leary, Chief Executive, Ryanair
  • Christopher Irwin, Vice-President, European Passengers' Federation
  • Ulrich Schulte-Strathaus, Secretary General, Association of European Airlines
  • Gert Versluis, Programme Director, Identity Management and Immigration, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Netherlands
  • Carlos Madeira, Vice-President, ANA Aeroportos de Portugal
  • Tony Bunyan, Director, Statewatch
  • Frank Durinckx, Director General of Civil Aviation, Belgium, and ECAC Focal Point for Facilitation and Security
  • Colin Matthews, Chief Executive Officer, BAA Airports Limited
  • Peter Schollmann, Chief Operating Officer, Securitas Aviation Europe
  • Emmanuel Mounier, President and CEO, Morpho Detection International, Inc
  • Peter Andres, Vice President Corporate Security, Deutsche Lufthansa AG
  • Maté Gergely, Director General of Civil Aviation, Hungary
  • Richard Deakin, Chief Executive Officer, NATS, United Kingdom
  • Stefano Paleari, Scientific Director, International Center for Competitiveness Studies in the Aviation Industry (ICCSAI)
  • Matthew Baldwin, Director of Air Transport, DG Mobility and Transport, European Commission
  • Kyran Hanks, Director of Strategy and Regulation, Gatwick Airport


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